Grilles, diffusers and terminal connectors
At S&P we offer you a wide range of mounting accessories, including grilles, diffusers and plénums to complete your ventilation systems.
In our range of grilles, diffusers and plénums, you will find: aluminium extraction grids, circular diffusers, extraction or impulsion plénums, discharge grids in façade...
Get to know our entire catalogue of grilles, diffusers and plénums and select the solution that best suits your ventilation system:
GRA, aluminium fixed louvre extraction grilles
GRA range of fixed aluminium louvre extraction grilles are available for external dimensions of 150x150,165x165,200x200,210x210 and 250x250.
GRI, extruded white extruded aluminium grilles
The extruded white extruded aluminium grilles in the GRI range prevent water and foreign bodies from entering the ventilation system. These extraction grilles are painted in white and are available in exterior sizes of 125x125,200x200,250x250,300x300 and 450x450.
PLENUM UNI IMP 8, discharge-insulated plénum with suction system
Pumping plénums with suction of the Plenum Uni Imp 8 range, have up to a maximum of 8 mouthpieces for dry areas (dining room, living room and bedrooms). All plénum mouthpieces of the PLENUM UNI IMP 8 range have clamping flanges.
RP, galvanized sheet steel plénums
The plénums of the RP series are made of galvanised sheet steel. Combined with the GRI grilles, they allow air extraction through the false ceiling.
CGI, circular grilles
The circular grilles of the GCI range are installed next to a circular coupling with adjustable damper. The circular diffusers of the GCI range are available in different models to suit different flow rates and diameters.