At S&P we have valves for single flow, double flow or air conditioning installations. Among our range of valves you can find extraction, impulsion or extraction and impulsion valves. In addition, our valves are manufactured in different materials, so that you can find the best solution for each project.
Get to know the different air inlets that we put at your disposal at S&P and select the valves that best suits your needs:
BAR ALIZE, self-adjusting extraction valves
The self-adjusting white polystyrene extractors of the Bar Alize range are designed to be installed in kitchens, bathrooms or other rooms that need flow regulation. These valves have different models, both with and without gasket sleeve, so you can choose the one that best suits your installation for each project.
ALIZE BEH, humidity sensitive extraction valves
The hygroregulable extraction valves of the Alize Beh range modulate the extraction flow according to the humidity inside single-family, collective or residential buildings. The DP models also allow the activation of the peak flow rate when the presence sensor is activated, improving user comfort.
BOAP, extraction valves for single-family homes
BOAP plastic extraction valves of the BOAP range are used for extraction in single or double flow VMC installations. The various sleeves of these valves allow numerous applications.
BDOP-BDO, adjustable airflow direction and range
Plastic valves of the BDOP-BDO range are used for extraction and delivery in single flow, double flow or air-conditioning systems. In supply these valves allow adjusting the direction and range of air flow.
BOR, adjustable plastic valves
The adjustable plastic valves of the BOR series are used for both extraction and supply of air in rooms and commercial premises. The included utilization range is between 40 and 150 Pa. The movable central shutter makes it possible to control the flow rate by means of an adjustable screw. The opening is available in two versions:
- Adjustable apertures with anchor brackets for plasterboard installation: BORP
- Adjustable joint openings for duct installation: BORJ
BOC, adjustable extraction valves made of sheet steel
The adjustable extraction valves of the BOC range, made of steel plate covered with white epoxy paint, are used for air extraction in homes and commercial premises. Its air flow rate is constant for pressures between 80 and 140 Pa. They can be installed either on the ceiling or on the wall and consist of a suction cone and a central plug that can be moved to adjust the extraction flow rate. A galvanized steel sleeve is supplied with the valve for easy installation.